Archive for May, 2009

Welcome to earth!

Posted in Uncategorized on May 25, 2009 by wanzai

There are 2 things i wanna post today. One good, one not so good. So let me start with the positive 1st!

Today…i became a yee yee!! Hahaa..My cutest little adorable niece is birthed into planet earth on 250508 at 1212pm!! She is so so so cute, and i’m loving her to bits already!! Can’t wait to play with her, buy pretty clothes for her, carry her, sayang her!!! Heee…isn’t she just adorable????


And the not so good that i can’t fulfill my resolution of being summon free for the whole year. Today, ganna a parking fine for not putting enough coupons. Sigh..hopefully it’ll be the ONLY one i’ll get this year! I bind all summons in His name!!!


Posted in Uncategorized on May 23, 2009 by wanzai

T.G.I.F… Thank God it’s Friday!

I’ve never been looking forward for the weekends for such a long time. Looking forward for service/cg, to spend quality time with my cg, to hang out with my family and friends, to wear casual clothes, to not have to wake up at 7am!!

Been quite a long week, with much info being stuffed into my mind. I even had a get together session at Partyworld with all my bosses and colleagues!! Can you just imagine..the last time i stepped into a KTV was since poly days???? It was all a bit all too strange for me..more of such days of entertainment ahead i guess.

I survived..week one : )

1st day of school

Posted in Uncategorized on May 18, 2009 by wanzai

Today was my 1st day to work in DBS. Din really sleep much the night before, feel like a little girl going to her 1st day of school. A little excitement mixed with a little apprehension.

I got to very touched by my mbms who smsed me today, encouraging me and praying for me. It helped calmed my nerves really. Also, not forgetting my dear friends n sista too!

After clearing some paper work, i was brought to a room (which will be my cave for the next 1 week), where i was given a stack of notes to read. How boring can it be! Thankfully, i met my new colleagues..7 of them in total. They were pretty nice and friendly, coming from all sorts of background. Looking forward to get to know them more!

Yet, after talking to them..i feel more and more like a green horn. They all seem so experienced and skilled, i got lost when they started discussing about their biz plan, how to win over the RMs, targets to hit, how many appts, etc etc…my stress level just went up the roof!

My BDM sat me down and told me it’s a diff ball game working in the bank, that i gotta work fast and he’ll be expecting me to have how many how many appts daily, etc…ahhhh!! And next week, i’ll have to take a test everyday. Flunk 3 times, and out i go!

There’s gonna be a mountain i have to climb..but i know, i have God by my side : ). Everything’s gonna be alright. I believe.


Posted in Uncategorized on May 16, 2009 by wanzai

Just read Pst Phil’s blog and was very inspired by one of his post.

Eph 5:15-16
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

This is to place a circle around yourself, it is to create boundaries to live within. Fools do not do this.
Wise people don’t waste time doing things that are not priorities for their lives.

‘Redeeming the time’:
We decide our priorities by identifying what we value – what are your top 10 things you value? Do you give them priority of time & money?

What you give your time to is what you are giving your life to.
Create new disciplines to maximise your time. Do not do time wasters!
Spend your time buying what you want, rather than wasting your time getting what you don’t want.

No one stumbles into success!
It’s vision, values, goals, plan, DISCIPLINE and WORK!

Wow, so apt for me. As i venture into my new job soon..I hope this will be my way of success..time to focus and W.O.R.K. Wanzai!

こんにちは Jap-pun!

Posted in Uncategorized on May 14, 2009 by wanzai


Back from a wonderful trip to Japan! How i wish time can stand still and i don’t need to come back to reality! BUT..i am back, and time waits for no one -_-“.

Siew went crazy taking more than 1000 over photos, so it would be near impossible to post all of them here. Check out FB bah haha. It was really a fun let me share my joy with you in the most summarized form possible.. eh, actually more to pen it down so i won’t forget it in the future! hahahaha

Arriving on 5May morning, we began our adventure with ShinkjukuWashington Hotel becoming our home for the next 7 days. Tokyo is huge! We got lost 4 days in a row going home haha..but it was quite exciting as it brought us to unknown grounds!

–  Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harabuku & Roppongi (highly recommended but was disappointing. Nothing much here except for ex shopping stuff! But the girls are all dolled up, some wear heels until their leg like ganna bend already la…this is what i call, “ai mei bu yao ming!” hahaa)
– Golden Gai & Kabukicho (the famous red light districts filled with pimps in suits that look like mafias! Streets are lined up with bars and slots machines)
– Tsukji Fish Market (niceee, quite fun. Fishes there were huge!!!)
– Mt Fuji (Went up there, but Mt Fuji disappeared haha)
– Fujiyoshida & Gekkoji (one of my fav, they’re old school the whole rustic feel)
– Disneyland (need i say more, oh and my 1st time seeing a full rainbow!! So pretty..from 1 end to another end, it seems almost unreal!)
– Ueno (a must go, for cheaper shopping! Great variety of food, snacks, cosmetics and clothes)
– Yokohama (outside of Tokyo, another of my fav..had fun taking the heli ride, and visiting the ramen museum)
– Odaiba (it’s like a futuristic world by itself, with a car showroom, great view and nice stuffs to look at)

I was kept amused by Siew too hahaa. Her insistence on eating 1 green tea ice cream daily, drinking 500ml of Japan milk every morn, walking down the endless underpass everyday, asking “What are we gonna eat today?”, people-watching on train rides, trying out the 1001 diff kinda food there, getting lost, new found fetish for umbrellas, wanting to take picture of everything that cross her path! Haha but it’s good la, help me to rem more too : ).

Thank God for her and her limited Jap language, we did not have much problem finding our way to all the places. Thanks chubbs, for asking all the strangers and for being my tour guide!

Now that i’m back…MONDAY is THE DAY! Many have been asking how do i feel..hmm right now, i feel like a “Da Bao” – mixed feelings. Hahhaa

Ahead, more.

Posted in Uncategorized on May 3, 2009 by wanzai


Ahead, more.