Archive for July, 2009

Instant Happiness

Posted in Uncategorized on July 25, 2009 by wanzai

Awwhhh…met up with my ex-colleagues for a gathering and they were so sweet. They got me a parting gift. They also happened to mention this cup is “very me”. Apparently my face lights up everything there’s food or drink! hahahaha I was very touched by their gesture : ).

Already missing them and their hilarious acts. I shall put up their naughty faces when it’s up in FB! Kekeke

Dy was asking me am i ready to rock ‘n’ roll on Monday. Hmm..i dunno man! hahaahah

Let’s RAWWK!!


Posted in Uncategorized on July 22, 2009 by wanzai

In a interesting turn of events…
1) I’ll be going to Korea/HK in about 4 weeks time! Hurray! So looking forward to hear Pst Cho preach and revisit prayer mountain once again.
2) I’ve resigned from my job and be embarking on my new job next Mon! And everything happened in less than a week’s time!

Quite a few people have asked how do i feel? Am i excited about my new job? But honestly, i feel nothing currently. I guess everything just happen so fast like a whirlwind, i had no time to really sit down and feel much hhahah.

Believe this would be a better opportunity, with a more reputable brand name and higher pay as well. I’ve got to really thank my bestie for helping me secure the job..that’s why it’s important to have good friends in your life! : )

So…in these last 2 days of “freedom”, it’ll be spend settling the application for my new job, opening of account, medical checkup (oh no!! I pray don’t need blood test again!!!!!), and to squeeze some time out to pack my closet to make space for my Korea/HK shopping! Hehehh

Met up with my ex-colleagues (funny calling them that, since we’ve been colleagues for only 2 mths! hahha) for lunch today. Kinda miss them actually. Over this period of time, the time spend with them was more than my family and friends! Everyday from 9-6pm being holed up in the same training room, guess it’s only natural to begin bonding with each other. They are really a bunch of very nice & fun peeps..and will definitely be keeping in contact with them.

My new journey starts next Monday. I wonder where it’ll lead me to next..


Posted in Uncategorized on July 13, 2009 by wanzai

What a way to start my exciting week! Was driving back home on change and get ready for a wedding dinner…and just 5 mins away from home..i had to hear the unthinkable. EEeee..Boomm!!


As i was turning out from the highway, reaching the slip road..i stopped at the stop line to check for cars. Before i knew it, i heard a loud bang and my body thrown forward! The car behind me did not stop and hit my backside!! Poor little green car!

My 1st thought was…Ohhh nooo…i’m just 1 week away from returning my car!! WHY!!! But being quite an experienced-car accident-participator (something i’m not proud of haha)..i calmly asked the driver for his details and took some photos. I think..he looked quite surprised by my composure hahaha

Being involved in quite a few accidents..i must say this was the greatest impact i ever felt. I suspect the driver must be day dreaming. After e incident, felt a little neck turning stiff and my hands were trembling. Thank God all is fine after some rest the next day, i’m still in one whole piece!

My ma was asking me how come i always ganna bang by people..hahah i also dunno man. Maybe i’ve got an anointing for such things?? Hahha but..better people bang me than i bang least i don’t need to bear the cost!

Nevertheless..always always pray for protection!!
PS: If you can, please do drop by my sis’ blog at as she was bugging me to help her advertise the clothes she’s selling on blog! Go! Click it! Visit her! So i can fulfil my duty as a good sister! Thanks! ; )

No more TGIFs

Posted in Uncategorized on July 11, 2009 by wanzai

Since i’ve started work, been always looking forward to close friends and colleagues will know that’s when i’m the happiest..declaring TGIF every few hours hahha! As it would mean weekends is here…and it would also mean it’s a time where i don’t need to think about work, and a time i can chill with my family and friends.

This would be my last Saturday of week on, i’ll be working 6 days/week. Hmm..hope i’ll be able to get used to it. And i guess now i’ll just have to make the best out of every situation..stay positive and be positive! Perhaps, i’ll use my last weekend to stock up my eye masks..i’ll be needing it once i start my journey to the East.

Can’t wait for service later..AR Bernard’s preaching today! Hope he’ll bring forth a word in season into my life. A fresh revelation is what i need!


Posted in Uncategorized on July 5, 2009 by wanzai

It had been a happy week for me.

In a nutshell..
– Full week of training at Siglap, information overload!
– Build bonds with my colleagues playing badminton..i think i picked up more shuttlecocks than hitting it though! I hope to really be able to make a difference in their lives!
– “Don’t Forget The Lyrics” mission accomplished…learnt many new things through helping out in the event…pheww
– Finally got to spent some time with my beloved mbms…we had zi char for dinner hahah feels like a family or wedding dinner!
– Siew cooked Jap curry for me, was so yummy i had 2nd serving!!
– Had cgm finally after a loooong while, it was a good meeting. Been quite long since i’ve preached my heart out. I hope they caught the word of God!

Days are drawing closer n closer where i have to go to my branch soon..realization of having to work on Saturdays make it even less exciting for me to look forward for that day. Because this might mean many changes..but i’ve been praying, and believe all is good in the hands of God.

Recently, i’ve attended so many 21st birthday parties..that i wonder why so at my age now especially hahha. Many more to come still man…maybe…i’ll throw one myself, to celebrate life! hhaha pls bring a present along!

I’ve always been a person of impulse..although i’ve kept it in control quite well..i still have my moments once a while. Just like last week one morning getting ready for work…i got so irritated by this bunch of hair that keeps flying out. It looks so horrible can..and no matter what i tried..water, hair wax, hair dryer, straightener…it sticks out even more!!!! Being dangerously late for work..i decided to take the scissors and snip that entire bunch of hair away!! And’s beginning to grow, and it’s getting obvious i have a bunch of much shorter hair on my head!! Sigh..lesson learnt..never never do things on impulse. Sharon wan, please try to remember that!!! hahahha

Look at how cute Amanda Wan has grown…totally love her moo moo suit!!