Archive for January, 2010

What a month

Posted in Uncategorized on January 28, 2010 by wanzai

If I can summarize how the 1st month of 2010 would be would be: “What a month”.

In the midst of attending 4 weddings and a funeral (how apt), I also went through one of the worst week I’ve had in Citi, had a realization that I lost about $4k…hmm, but am glad that the recent messages had been encouraging, and will keep on confessing!

But it was through all these, that gave me a different perspective.

While I was lamenting how i had to attend 4 weddings, blah blah blah..Pst made mention on Tue night that he had attended 4 funerals just this month alone. Suddenly, i felt’s not that bad to attend a wedding rather than a funeral.

And then..i bought some shares back in 2007, which i totally forgot about!! How can right??!! I shock myself too. Anyways..suddenly remember about it recently..and discovered that the price has dropped by more than half..leading to a lost of $4k!! That’s like more than enough for a trip to USA!! Ouchh.  Was sharing it with my friend, who suddenly said: Take it that you gain $3k lor, and not lost $4k..since you’ve already forgotten about it. Haha..yes in a way it’s true, and more consoling to my soul too.

As for my work..I can only say I do not know why things like these happened, but if I gotta go through it..I’ll go through it knowing God is on my side.

Quite looking forward for the weekends, some time away from work is always good. And also..really looking forward for my cousin’s wedding (yes, my 5th!) as well! He’s my eldest cousin, who FINALLY am willing to settle down..his bride-to-be is a Japanese, who’s gonna wear a kimono for the wedding. How cool!!

It’s kinda of a rojak season for me..a little anxious how the year will turn out, a little excited, a little fearful, a little seeking for change n enlargement..a little of everything. But I know it’ll be sorted out in time.

Sharon Wan, you are now left with 11 months!

The counter has started.

Posted in Uncategorized on January 10, 2010 by wanzai

Came back from HK for about a week. It was definitely a fun and adventurous trip..thank God for God’s protection!

Well, back to reality now. The counter has started..time is ticking away once again. Work is slowly but surely piling up again..with appts and seminars. Ahhhh…can’t wait for my next trip! Hahhahahaha

I’m so glad to be back in church for service yesterday. I think, the message was just what i needed. It’s time to seek the Lord Sharon Wan!

Been feeling a lot more recently, perhaps..because i’m gonna approach a new decade of my life. I need to reflect and pray a lot more, and i hope God answers soon.

Anyway..i’m very happy with the gift my member got for me. It’s a 365 page  journal. I’ve decided to write my daily revelations/new adventures in it! Started doing it last year..and it really helped me to ponder on the year, esp with such a STM.

I’m not done with my goals..but what I’m sure and have started on, is to lose weight!! Haha..I’m so serious this time i went to buy running shoes, and have started on it! 2010 is the year this goal will come to pass!!!!!!!