just a thought

How i got to know God personally, was through my poly friend.
She started singing to me over the phone on all the new songs she learnt in church, and funnily..i will just listen to her sing as well hahaha
Over time, she invited me, i went, one thing leading to another.

I realized recently, that the thing that never fails to draw me back to God, is worship. For some, it could be the word, the fellowship..but for me, i’ll have to say it’s worship.
It touches my heart..every time i can feel the touch of God while worshipping Him, and being lost in His presence, feeling Him close. No matter what happens, how far i was…i’m drawn again.

What i’m getting at is..i was wondering if this was because of how i got to know God. What is the thing that draws you back to God? Is it something similar to how you got to know Him in the beginning too?
Haha..not that it matters, just a thought.

Another thought i had when i was in the toilet. I wonder if there’s people out there who will rather use public toilets outside..finish all their “business”, then go home. So to save money on toilet paper & utility bills. A strange thought, but it just came to me hahaha

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